Roast Chicken with Harissa Roast Carrots and Whole Roast Cauliflower by Barry Horne

Ingredients: serves 4 (with leftover chicken)
1 whole chicken (between 1.5kg and 2kg)
1 large cauliflower
1 bunch of good quality carrots (mixture of colours is nice) 2 tbsp harissa
100g feta
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp olive oil
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees C.
Take the chicken out of the fridge about an hour before roasting and season well with salt and pepper.
Place on a rack over a baking tray and roast for 40mins per kilo plus 20 extra minutes.
As soon as that goes in the oven prepare the cauliflower by removing the outer leaves and trim down the bottom of the stalk a small bit to make it sit steady. Mix together 2tbsp of Dijon and 2tbsp of oil in a pot and brush all over the cauliflower and season well with salt and pepper.
Roast in the oven for around 1 hour and 30 mins. Until a knife goes into it easily.
Wash the carrots and split in two and place into a deep roasting tray and add the harissa plus a tbsp of the olive oil and mix well, roast for approx 45mins to an hour until the carrots are cooked and have a golden colour.
Once the chicken is cooked make sure to give it a good rest, carve and serve with the carrots and cauliflower.
Add the carrots to a serving dish and crumble over the feta while it’s still hot.
Slice the roast cauliflower into steaks and serve together with your tender and flavoursome roast chicken.