April 05, 2023

Leftover lamb shoulder pasty with peas and mint sauce by Barry Horne

By Online Provenance Butcher
Leftover lamb shoulder pasty with peas and mint sauce by Barry Horne

Makes 4


600g leftover lamb shoulder (shredded)

75g peas

1 small onion 

1 large potato

100ml leftover gravy

20g mint sauce 

Egg wash 

Rough puff pastry:

250g butter 

250g flour 

5g salt 

150ml ice cold water (approx)


Preheat the oven to 190deg C. You can always buy good quality pastry from the supermarket but I think this rough puff gives you a better end result.

Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt. Dice the butter into small cubes and add to the flour. Mix it roughly breaking up some of the butter into the flour but try to keep a good amount of lumps.

Gradually add the ice water until it comes together as a dough, (don’t mix it too much as you still want to keep the butter in large pieces). Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.

After chilling, roll out to a rectangle and fold
the top third to the centre and then the bottom third over that to achieve a small rectangle. Repeat the process; roll out and fold twice, do this three times then return to the fridge to allow the butter to firm up again. Chill for 1 hour.

Take it out of the fridge and repeat the process three more times. Once you have finished all the turns, chill the pastry for another hour before use.

To make the filling finely dice the onion, peel and finely dice the potato, (cut the potato fairly thin as you want this to cook in the pasty).

Put the potato and onion into a bowl and add the shredded lamb and peas (peas can be straight from the freezer). Add the gravy, mint sauce and salt and pepper mix all together and put to one side.

Next roll out the pastry to approx 2 cm thickness. Cut out 4 discs using a side plate as a template. Add a good amount of filling to each disc and brush the edges with the egg wash,. Fold each disc over in half to create a half moon, and now crimp the edges by using your index finger and thumb to twist the edge to form a crimp.

Brush all over with the egg wash, cut a small hole in the top and bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes.