August 07, 2023

Steak sandwich with peppercorn butter, fried onions & blue cheese by Barry Horne

By Online Provenance Butcher
Steak sandwich with peppercorn butter, fried onions & blue cheese by Barry Horne

serves 4


600-800g beef onglet steak

2 onions (sliced)

200g Fourme d’Ambert blue cheese (or similar equivalent)

1 x Provenance Peppercorn Butter

2 baguettes sliced length wise

50g rocket to garnish


Start by removing the onglet from the fridge and bring it up to room temperature. Pre heat the oven to 180 deg C.

Put a frying pan on medium high heat and add a small amount of oil. Add the sliced onions, season with a little salt and cook for 4-5 mins. Aim for a stir fried onion, so a little brown with a small amount of crunch.

Once the onion is cooked, remove and put to one side. Season the onglet and using the same pan just used add a little oil and sear the onglet. Once one side of the steak is coloured, flip it over and add about half the pot of peppercorn butter to the pan and start to baste the steak. When the steak is brown and basted, transfer to a tray and finish in the oven until cooked to your liking, around 55-60 degrees is ideal. Don't wash the pan just yet!

Using the leftover butter, spread it on the baguettes and place them butter side down on the pan used for the steak to colour take on some of those pan juices.

Once toasted, remove from the pan and put to one side.

When the steak is cooked to your liking, allow it to rest for around half the cooking time. Slice it then and add to the bottom half of your baguette. Add the cooked onions, the blue cheese and then place the open sandwich back in the oven for two minutes to slightly melt the cheese. 

Once melted add a small amount of rocket to each one and put the top of the bread on top and enjoy.