Iberico Secreto with Caponata by Barry Horne

(serves 4)
600g-800g Iberico Secreto
1 large Sicilian purple aubergine
250g cherry tomatoes on the vine
1 red onion
2 cloves garlic
50g nocerella olives (sliced)
1½ tsp capers
50g pine nuts (toasted)
1tsp tomato puree
10g fresh oregano (whole leaves picked)
20g flat leaf parsley (finely chopped)
olive oil for cooking
Preheat the oven to 200 deg C.
Dice the aubergine into medium size cubes and put to one side. Put the tomatoes in a baking tray and drizzle a small amount of oil and some salt and pepper and roast for 15 mins. Once the tomatoes are roasted, remove and leave to one side.
Finely dice the red onion and slice the garlic. Place a deep pan on a medium heat and add a small amount of olive oil, add the onions and garlic and cook for 4-5 mins.
Meanwhile, put a frying pan on a medium heat and add a generous amount of oil and start to fry the aubergine in batches until golden, drain on some kitchen paper.
When the onions are soft add the tomato puree and cook for a further 1-2 mins.
Add the fried aubergine to the pot then add the roast tomatoes, capers, olives and pine nuts and cook on low for 8-10mins to allow everything to marry together.
While the caponata is stewing, get a large frying pan on a medium high heat and season the Secreto pork well with salt and pepper. Add to the pan (no need for oil as the Secreto is fatty enough) cook this for around 3-4 mins on each side, (depending on thickness), and allow to rest for 5-6 mins.
Stir in the parsley and oregano into the caponata before serving with the sliced Iberico secreto.