
  • Char Sui Pork Belly with Asparagus, Lime & Coconut Salad by Matt Burgess

    Char Sui Pork Belly with Asparagus, Lime & Coconut Salad by Matt Burgess

    Char sui pork

    750g pork belly, rind removed and diced 3cm chunks

    1 tsp five spice powder

    1 tsp white pepper

    1 tsp sesame oil

    2 tbsn Shaoxing rice wine

    2 tsp soy sauce

    2 tsp hoisin sauce

    2 tsp molasses

    2 cloves finely chopped garlic

    2 tbsn honey

    1 tbsn gochujang paste


    • Add all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix well
    • Leave to marinate over night
    • Lay out onto a baking tray on parchment paper, cover with foil Bake 180c for 1hr 10 mins
    • Final 10 minutes uncovered
    • Once out of the oven carefully stir cooked pork chunks through glaze to evenly coat  



    Asparagus salad

    250g precooked rice

    1 cup chopped asparagus blanched

    1 cup frozen peas blanched

    1/2 cup frozen broad beans blanched

    120g coconut milk

    15g freshly squeezed lime juice

    2g sea salt

    1g freshly cracked black Pepper

    5g liquid honey


    • Reheat rice and pour into a mixing bowl
    • Place all the ingredients and stir through
    • Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 10 minutes
    • Stir again before serving and eat immediately
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  • Calve's Liver Stir Fry by Matt Burgess

    Calve's Liver Stir Fry by Matt Burgess


    2 tbsn sliced red chilli

    1 large shallot sliced

    400 sliced calve's liver into 2cm pieces

    2tbs salted black beans preserved in ginger

    1 clove garlic sliced

    100ml water

    ½ tsp sesame seeds

    1 tbs soy sauce

    1 tbs spring onions sliced

    Extra virgin olive oil

    Few leaves of Thai basil

    Flour for dusting


    • Dust the liver with flour and start to fry in batch’s
    • Clean out the pan with kitchen paper and add more oil
    • Start to fry the black beans, chilli, shallots and garlic
    • Once softened add the liver back covering with water and soy placing lid of top and allow the ingredients to cook through.
    • Finish by sprinkling the sesame seeds, spring onion and Thai basil


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  • The Meatiest, Cheesiest Short Rib Mac & Cheese by Matt Burgess

    The Meatiest, Cheesiest Short Rib Mac & Cheese by Matt Burgess


    Macaroni cheese

    350g cooked macaroni (1 cup dry macaroni)

    2 tbsp butter, melted

    2 tbsp plain flour

    1 tbsn onion granules

    1 tsp English mustard powder

    400ml whole milk

    80g mature cheddar, grated

    50g parmesan, grated

    1 tbsn salt

    Few turns of pepper


    Short Ribs

    2 tbsn olive oil

    2 meaty beef short ribs

    1 onion peeled and chopped

    3 cloves garlic peeled

    300 ml (1.5 cup) red wine

    500ml true foods beef stock

    2 stalks fresh thyme

    2 sticks fresh rosemary

    1 tbsp tomato puree

    2 tbsn honey

    3 bay leaves

    ¼ tsp salt

    ¼ tsp pepper

    2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce



    Mac & Cheese Method

    1. Pre heat the oven to 180deg C
    2. For the cheese sauce melt the butter with the onion granules, add the flour and cook for 5 minutes while constantly stirring
    3. Grab a whisk and start to add the milk slowly while whisking, keep repeating this process until all the milk is incorporated and the mixture thickens, continue to cook for 10-15 minute’s to “cook out” flour
    4. Whisk in the mustard powder, cheese and parmesan, taste to check seasoning
    5. Add the cooked macaroni and mix well, add to a baking dish topping with more parmesan and bake for 20-30 minutes or until brown and crispy on top



    Short Rib Method

    1. Pour the oil into a large non stock pan and start to sear the beef, keep turning it to achieve even colour all over, remove and place into a deep pot or slow cooker.
    2. Don’t wash the pan, however Into the same pan place in the onions, garlic, thyme , rosemary and tomato puree, cook on a slow heat until caramelised and dark in colour  
    3. Add the wine, Worcestershire, bay leaves, honey, beef stock, salt and pepper bring to a rolling boil
    4. Pour everything into your pot with the short ribs inside or slow-cooker and cook for 3.5 hours or in slow cooker for 6 hours
    5. To test if cooked the handle of a spoon or butter knife should pass through the meat with no resistance
    6. Allow to cool before placing into the fridge leave in liquid until you’re ready to heat.
    7. To re-heat, place meat on a baking tray with a little of the juice it’s been sitting in and bake for 20-30 minute’s.

    To serve place the mac and cheese on plate, place the short rib on top for added wow factor get someone to ease the meat off the bone and mix into the bubbling mac and cheese. serve with a green salad for health reasons.  


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  • Korean BBQ chicken, soy mushroom, kimchi, and rice by Matt Burgess

    Korean BBQ chicken, soy mushroom, kimchi, and rice by Matt Burgess



    Chicken thighs

    2x chicken thighs

    1 tablespoons honey

    1 tablespoons gochujang – Korean chili paste

    1 tablespoon soy sauce

    1 teaspoon sesame oil

    1 teaspoon finely minced ginger

     1 clove of garlic (finely minced)


    Kimchi (non-fermented)

     ½ Chinese cabbage cut into dice

    3 tbsn Korean chilli flakes (Gouchgaru)

    4 tbsn rice vinegar

    2 tbsn coriander stalks chopped

    1 thumb sized ginger peeled and chopped

    ¼ onion chopped

    2 cloves of garlic

    3 tbs soy sauce

    1 tsp sugar

    Soy Mushroom

    50g mushrooms sliced (around 5)

    1 tsp soy sauce  

    1 tsp sesame oil

    1tsp sesame seeds


    Sushi rice

    250g sushi rice (1 cup)

    500g water (2 cups)

    100ml sushi rice seasoning



    1 boiled egg

    4tbs sliced spring onion

    1 cup sliced cucumber



    Pre heat the oven to 180deg C.

    Combine the Gochujang – Korean chili paste , soy sauce, sesame oil, minced ginger, clove of garlic (finely minced) and honey and mix well.

    Add the chicken to the marinade turning so its all coated and leave over night in an air tight container

    When ready to serve, place onto a lined baking tray, and bake in theoven for 40 minutes or until cooked.

    For the kimchi, in a blender add everything apart form the cabbage. Blend until very red and very smooth. Mix through the cabbage, place into air tight container until ready

     For the soy mushroom mix everything together let it sit for 10 minutes to marinate


    For the sushi rice,wash the rice in a colander under cold running water until the water runs clear this take around 10 minutes.

    Combine rice and water in a saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and cook until rice is tender and all water has been absorbed, about 20 minutes. Remove from stove and set aside until cool. Once the rice is cool, stir seasoning into the cooked rice.


    Now it's time to plate up:

     Chop the marinated chicken thighs for each plate add one thigh and 150g of cooked sushi rice. Add a half boiled egg, a half cup of kimchi, sliced raw seasoned mushrooms, 2 tbs of sliced spring onions and half a cup sliced cucumber.

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  • Italian Sausage Ragu with Marscarpone and Rigatoni Pasta by Matt Burgess

    Italian Sausage Ragu with Marscarpone and Rigatoni Pasta by Matt Burgess

    2 tbsn oil

    250g (4 sausages) Italian sausage or Spicy Italian sausage, cut open, meat removed

    ½ small onion roughly chopped  

    1 clove garlic finely minced

    3 bay leaves

    1 stick celery

    1 x carrot, peeled roughly chopped

    1 x cup white wine

    2 x cups chicken stock

    2 sticks thyme

    2 tbsn mascarpone

    300g cooked rigatoni (1.5 cups)

    1 tbsn salt

    Few rasps cracked black pepper

    1 tsp parsley

    1 tsp parmesan 

    Sprinkle of chilli (optional)



    1. In a blender place the carrots, celery onion and blend until a smooth paste, this is called a sofrito, the base of most Italian ragu or stews.
    2. Pour the oil in a heavy based sauce pan, add the sausage meat and start to fry until brown and caramelised.
    3. Add the carrots, celery, onion mix with the garlic and cook while stirring for 8-10 minute’s until all liquid has evaporated
    4. Now add bay, thyme and white wine cook for 5 min to evaporate the alcohol in wine.
    5. Now add the chicken stock and cook for 20 minutes on high stirring occasionally
    6. Check the seasoning, add mascarpone bring back to the boil.
    7. Add the cooked rigatoni, stir in and leave for 5 minute’s
    8. To serve, sprinkle with chopped parsley, parmesan and if you like a smattering of crushed red chilli


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  • Garlic & herb boneless chicken with courgette, lemon, mint, peas & homemade pesto by Matt Burgess

    Garlic & herb boneless chicken with courgette, lemon, mint, peas & homemade pesto by Matt Burgess

    In this recipe, succulent grilled chicken meets vibrant homemade pesto for a culinary experience that's sure to delight your taste buds.

    Grill the chicken to perfection, achieving a juicy tenderness with an internal temperature of 72°C. While the chicken sizzles, whip up a batch of homemade pesto, blending fresh basil, parmesan, pine nuts, and more into a smooth, aromatic paste...

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